Current Conditions
at 12:45p 10/03/24
Temperature: |
65.6°F |
Dewpoint: |
53.1°F |
Relative Humidity: |
64% |
Wind: |
WNW 3.0 gusting to 7.0 mph |
Pressure: |
30.082 in & Falling Slowly |
Precipitation Rate: |
0.00 in/hr |
Wind Chill: |
65.6°F |
Heat Index: |
65.0°F |
Today's Summary
as of 12:45p 10/03/24
Max Temp: |
65.7°F at 12:38p |
Min Temp: |
51.5°F at 7:47a |
Max Dewpoint: |
56.0°F at 10:29a |
Min Dewpoint: |
50.0°F at 11:58a |
Max RH: |
98% at 8:19a |
Min RH: |
60% at 12:40p |
Max Wind Gust: |
8.0 mph at 11:01a |
Precipitation: |
0.02 in |
Max Rain Rate: |
0.01 in/hr at 1:00a |
Min Wind Chill: |
52.0°F at 6:51a |
Max Heat Index: |
65.0°F at 12:21p |
Max Pressure: |
30.113 in at 9:57a |
Min Pressure: |
30.007 in at 12:07a |
Astronomical Data
for 10/03/24
Sunrise: |
6:52a |
Sunset: |
6:27p |
Moon Phase: |
New Moon |